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Art News

The soloist of Vintage remembered how she woke up from a naked woman lying on her

Anna Pletneva, soloist of the Vintage group, in an interview with the YouTube channel Alena, damn it! told how, in her student years, she woke up in a hostel with an unfamiliar naked woman in the same bed. The singer clarified that 35 more students from various art academies of St. Petersburg lived with her in the room.

“I wake up to the fact that a naked unknown woman is lying on me and [experiencing an orgasm]. I wake up, and I have this mangled face, which is also not very beautiful, ”Pletneva shared.

After realizing what had happened, the barely awake performer screamed in fear. The light turned on in the room, and Pletneva felt a sense of shame. She stressed that after the incident, the girl left the hostel, and the students continued to live their normal lives.

Earlier, Pletneva told how she performed at a concert after her husband's accident.

The soloist of Vintage remembered how she woke up from a naked woman lying on her