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Five BAD jokes from George & Lial on 19th June 2021

First bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Hospital joke

i got kicked out of the hospital cause i told all the Covid-19 patents to stay positive.

Second bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Night joke

I was listening to my children praying. And my youngest that can speak said to me: “Mama, why is Gramma dead?” I smiled and told her, “Well, less than 10 years ago when I was 5, your age, my Momma took me into the basement with some hot rando during a party. And 9 months later Shinana was born. One Pedo after another and your 4 siblings are born. The Pedo I met last night told me, ‘If your mother’s the one making you do this, do what you do best.’ I listened and the next day she didn’t leave her bed breathing. When the Pedo found out he left me and your soon to be brother.” She replies with, “Make his child support expensive!” Now he has to pay me 2,000 U.S. dollars every month. Like the other ones that ran away.

Third bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Crash joke

Every joke I make about 9/11 just has a tendency to crash and burn.

Fourth bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Priest joke

How do you kill a little boy You throw him between two Catholic priest

Fifth bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Depression joke

Sometimes i get jealous when my phone dies

Five BAD jokes from George & Lial on 19th June 2021