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Because of the new immigration rules of the Russian Federation 4 million Ukrainians will lose their jobs

Due to the introduction of the new immigration rules for Ukrainians in Russia, about four million Ukrainian migrant workers will be left without income.

This was announced on Radio Krim.Realii by the co-chairman of the public association "Ukrainians of Moscow", Victor Girzhov.

According to him, this innovation is intended to destabilize the situation in Ukraine.

"No one knows the exact statistics, so we have to use the data of the Federal Migration Service. But if, say, 600 thousand or one million people will return to Ukraine, and demographers say that we should always multiply this number by three - at least, wife and a child, and even not one. And thus, consider that three or four million people remain without work ", - said Girzhov.

According to him, in this situation the Ukrainian authorities need to bring this issue to the attention of the world, because it is "ordinary problems with human rights in the Russian Federation."

Because of the new immigration rules of the Russian Federation 4 million Ukrainians will lose their jobs