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Automakers move into tech

On the first day of the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, it was the in car companies that got the spotlight, reports the news agency .

The convergence of the auto industry and tech world began decades ago. There are millions of lines of code in the average car on the road. A recent study shows that tech (Bluetooth, lane assistance, backup cameras) are the deciding factors in new car purchases.

The reality is that our cars are the biggest, most important and most expensive gadget we own. While consumers love gadgets, they love cars even more. The industry sold more cars in 2015 than at any time in history — 17.5 million cars were sold, according to industry estimates.

Consumers are demanding more technology in autos. "We won't just flip a switch and have self-driving cars," says Jeremy Carlson, an analyst with IHS Automotive.

A new study by Autotrader shows 70 percent of shoppers prefer vehicles with autonomous features like park assist. Carlson, who looks specifically at autonomous driving, says consumers are demanding tech — not just technology but seamless technology.

Automakers move into tech