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BBC faces illegal state aid backlash from producers over expansion

The BBC faces a major backlash from independent television producers over plans by director-general Tony Hall to compete for programme commissions from other broadcasters and internet services such as Amazon and Netflix.
Last year Lord Hall put entering the commercial production market at the centre of his strategy. His plans have led to suspicions from commercial players that the BBC is seeking to build up its global presence with the help of taxpayer support.
A group of Britain’s biggest independent producers is preparing a complaint that the expansion will distort competition and amount to illegal state aid. The legal groundwork is being laid by PACT, the production industry trade association.
John McKay, chief executive of PACT, said the plans were a significant threat to commercial producers: “It would completely distort the market and damage an independent sector that is recognised as a world leader if the BBC was allowed to use public money to compete against commercial producers”.

BBC faces illegal state aid backlash from producers over expansion