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Airbus UK chief says company would reconsider its position in the country if Britain left the EU

The president of Airbus Group UK Paul Kahn has warned that the defence and aircraft company would reconsider its investment in the country in the event of Britain leaving the EU, saying such a move would be destructive with “enormous ramifications” for the UK’s long-term future.

In a blunt speech Paul Kahn said that future investment and thousands of jobs would be at risk should the result of the referendum on EU membership signal an exit.

He said he acknowledged that the EU could be bureaucratic but said doing business with Europe would be far more difficult if Britain voted to leave: “It’s a hell of a lot more difficult, more bureaucratic and more costly to do so from outside the EU than it is from within it.”

Airbus employs more than 16,000 people in Britain in highly skilled jobs, including making wings for the A380, supplying helicopters and cybersecurity products.

Airbus UK chief says company would reconsider its position in the country if Britain left the EU