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The number of persistent non-payers in Russia rose to a record 8.6 million

In Russia, the number of persistent non-payers in 2021 increased to 8.6 million. Izvestia writes about this, citing data from the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP).

According to them, this indicator has become the maximum for the entire period of maintaining statistics of the department - since 2012 (then the number of such citizens was 2.2 million). Last year also accelerated the growth rate of the number of Russians whose debts will be forcibly written off by a court decision.

Over the year, the number of debtors increased by 1.6 million against last year's 1.2 million. In 2020, 7 million such enforcement proceedings were initiated, in 2019 - 5.8 million, in 2018 - 4.4 million, in 2017 -m - 3.2 million.

In total, it is planned to recover 1.1 trillion rubles from citizens on enforcement cases initiated over the previous year.

According to the FSPP, last year the amount of debt collected from individuals in favor of credit institutions reached 185.2 billion rubles, and in 2020 - 142.8 billion. (452 thousand), Krasnoyarsk Territory (390 thousand), Sverdlovsk (343 thousand) and Chelyabinsk (323.6 thousand) regions.

According to experts interviewed by the publication, the number of debtors has increased due to the coronavirus pandemic and the growth in the debt burden of the population.

The number of persistent non-payers in Russia rose to a record 8.6 million