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Business is booming under Islamic State

Despite brutal punishments for those who break the laws, many Syrian businessmen see Isil as the only option when compared to the anarchy that prevails in areas controlled by other rebels, including Western-backed groups.

While Isil charges zakat, the alms payment in Islam – essentially an income tax – to those residents who can afford it, businesses were protected from theft and corruption. The model is being applied across Isil territory in Syria, and to such a degree that businesses are now choosing to move their industry into Isil areas.

The owners of factories in Sheikh Najjar, an industrial estate north of Aleppo city, and now a front line, have moved to Isil-controlled Minbij. “You can find everything from cotton to iron and plastics being processed here,” said one factory owner speaking by phone.

Even as the US-led coalition bombs jihadi targets, the number of people living in their areas is said to be growing. Aid agencies believe that Isil may have as many as two million subjects in Syria alone.

Business is booming under Islamic State