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Rospotrebnadzor published photos of cells infected with omicron

Russia ( - The State Research Center for Virology and Biotechnology "Vector" under the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare has infected cells with a new strain of the coronavirus "omicron" in order to study its shape, size and structure. The result of the experiment is published in the form of photographs. According to the department's observations, omicron does not cause cell death in the time period typical for other strains.

"The cells were separated from the surface of special vials in which they were grown on the sixth day after infection with the virus. After sample preparation, the cells were embedded in a mixture of epoxy resins. Very thin sections were made from these blocks so that the obtained samples were transparent to the electron beam and could be viewed in an electron microscope, "- said in the message.

In the photographs, you can see bubbles - these are vesicular structures that are involved in the synthesis and transport of proteins. The proteins that make up the virus accumulate at the surface of these vesicles, and then penetrate inside. The structural proteins of the virus are incorporated into the membrane of the vesicles and subsequently will determine its behavior when meeting with another cell.

“In the case of the omicron strain, it is unusual that the virus collects slowly and, unlike other strains, does not cause massive cell death on the sixth day of infection. day when infected with other strains, "- explained in Rospotrebnadzor.

The omicron strain was discovered in November in southern Africa and Hong Kong, and is now distributed in more than 80 countries around the world. A feature of infection with this strain is the absence of a severe course of the disease, mild symptoms or an asymptomatic form. Until now, only two deaths have been recorded after infection with the "omicron" - in the UK and in the United States, where the "omicron" is spreading rapidly.

Rospotrebnadzor published photos of cells infected with omicron