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Gas price in Europe reaches $ 2,100 for the first time in history

Russia ( - The cost of gas in Europe has exceeded $ 2,100 per thousand cubic meters. Fuel prices have reached this level for the first time in history. This is evidenced by data from tos on the London stock exchange ICE.

In the afternoon of December 21, gas was sold for a record 2005 dollars per thousand cubic meters. But by the evening, the price of January futures at the TTF hub in the Netherlands increased to 2,120 per 1,000 cubic meters and now amounts to 181.47 euros per MWh.

Gas prices in Europe have been growing continuously since December 7. They are influenced, in particular, by a drop in wind power generation in the EU, a decrease in pumping through the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline, the onset of cold weather in the region and a relatively rapid consumption of gas reserves from storage facilities.

Gas price in Europe reaches $ 2,100 for the first time in history