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More than 1.6 thousand people are undergoing retraining in the Altai Territory this year

Russia ( - Vitaly Fedorovsky from the village of Klyuchi, Kurgan Region, received a diploma as a technician in servicing refrigeration equipment and air conditioning systems. And immediately took the form of self-employed. And there will be about 170 thousand people like him who have received course training this year. New knowledge helps them find a job or start their own business.

Vitaly Fedorovsky is an auto mechanic by his first education. Six years ago we moved with our family from city to village. Lost work. But not for long. A father with many children (there are three daughters in the family) was offered to participate in the project. I agreed. From a huge list of competencies, I immediately settled on refrigerators and air conditioners. In the direction of the employment center, Vitaly studied for 2.5 months free of charge at the Kurgan college.

Vitaly studied the market and was surprised: there is one master for the entire district. I posted an advertisement for my services. Orders were sent. Now Vitaly is drawing up a business plan. He wants to apply to the district administration for state support for the self-employed: funds are needed for development.

It is not uncommon for a new specialty obtained in courses to start a family business. This happened with Balzhan Ismagulova from the village of Tselinnoye. Thanks to the project "Promotion of employment" of the national project "Demography", she became a hairdresser. She already has her own office.

More than 1.6 thousand people study and undergo retraining in the Altai Territory this year. Among the graduates is Marina Prikhodko. She successfully passed the certification at the Altai branch of the RANEPA. Now Marina is a certified specialist in the field of modern technologies for personnel assessment. “I am also a lawyer. The knowledge gained will be enough for me to find a job in a new specialty after the decree,” Marina said.


The training program for the Demography national project is coordinated by three federal operators - the Agency for the Development of Professional Skills (WorldSkills Russia), the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation and Tomsk State University.

Education takes place throughout the country on the basis of universities and colleges, including online. During retraining, great attention is paid to employers' requests so that all course graduates are in demand in the labor market.

More than 1.6 thousand people are undergoing retraining in the Altai Territory this year