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In Russia, proposed to increase the minimum price of champagne by 18%

The Association of Sparkling Wine Producers has approached Finance Minister Anton Siluanov with an initiative to increase the minimum retail price for sparkling and champagne wines in 2022 from 169 rubles per 0.75 liters to 199 rubles, Izvestia reports, citing a letter from the association.

It states that bona fide producers cannot meet the current minimum price when making a drink in compliance with the technologies for the production of real sparkling wine. At the same time, retail chains during negotiations demand to provide them with products at the current minimum prices.

Experts note that the minimum price for Russian champagne cannot be less than 250 rubles. The Ministry of Finance, in response to an inquiry from Izvestia, said that the letter would be considered in due course after receiving it.

Earlier it was reported that the price of sparkling wine in non-chain retail jumped over the year by 14%, to 317 rubles, in the network - by 5%.

In Russia, proposed to increase the minimum price of champagne by 18%