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Will bring to a coma: Names of drugs that should not be mixed with alcohol

Russia ( - With the onset of winter, many people add vitamins and immunomodulators to their diet, given the likelihood of catching a cold in the cold. However, not all medications that a person decides to take on their own at home are safe in combination with a glass or two of champagne or a stronger drink on New Year's Eve.

Even if the drug is over-the-counter, before taking it, you should carefully study the instructions for compatibility with alcohol, and even better - get the approval of your doctor. The problem is that ethanol is metabolized in the liver, the main organ responsible for detoxification, and the combination of alcohol with drugs can lead to the formation of even more toxic substances in the body, warned the head of the toxicology department of the N.V. Dzhanelidze, chief toxicologist of St. Petersburg Alexei Lodyagin.

Drugs that are strictly prohibited in combination with alcohol include antibiotics, antidepressants, sedatives and antihistamines . "At the first stage, ethanol causes a feeling of euphoria, but then it still has a depressing effect on the central nervous system. As, in fact, these drugs. When used together, they will enhance each other's action and can cause different consequences - up to a deep coma," - warned the toxicologist in an interview with the publication "Dr. Peter".

Also dangerous is the use of drugs from the group anticoagulants (blood thinners) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs (for example, ibuprofen) , together with alcohol. In addition to the toxic effect on the body, they irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive system even more, and in people who already have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, this combination is fraught with the development of erosions, ulcers, bleeding and movement of stones in the gallbladder. Also, the doctor added cardiotropic drugs to the list of drugs that are extremely dangerous mixed with alcohol.

Vitamins when taking alcohol, it would seem, are less dangerous, but they lose all meaning, and in the case of multivitamins, it is not known what exactly from the composition of the tablet the alcohol will combine, the doctor warned.

Will bring to a coma: Names of drugs that should not be mixed with alcohol