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In the suburbs, suburban real estate will sharply fall in price

Russia ( - The cost of suburban real estate in the Moscow region in 2022 may decrease by 15-20 percent. This forecast was announced by the specialists of the company "INKOM-Real Estate", having analyzed the market trends.

The forecast is largely due to the fall in demand. In 2020, the conditions on the market were dictated by sellers, the cost of lots was significantly overstated. Now the excitement of the remoteness has subsided, and the conditions on the market have changed.

According to INKOM-Nedvizhimost, in settlements with existing communications, developed commercial, social infrastructure and high-quality roads, the demand for finished houses will remain, but in the first half of 2022 the buyer will still dictate prices.

In such conditions, analysts believe, the cost of real estate in settlements with undeveloped infrastructure may significantly decrease. Buyers who are ready to make capital investments in such a "fence" have every chance to save 15-20 percent compared to today's prices.

In the suburbs, suburban real estate will sharply fall in price