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Russia - Yalta, thanks to abundant rainfall, has accumulated a year's supply of water

Russia (, - The main two reservoirs of Yalta - Schastlivskoye and Zagorskoye reservoirs - have accumulated a year's supply of water due to precipitation. This was announced by the head of the city administration Yanina Pavlenko.

- According to the Acting Director of the State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Vodokanal YuBK" Alexei Grigoriev, there are now over 20 million cubic meters of water in the Zagorsk reservoir, or 87 percent of the total, - Pavlenko clarified. - For comparison, in January it had just over a million cubic meters. The Schastlivskoye reservoir has accumulated six million, or 57 percent of the design volume. A year ago, at the same time, it was just over 2.5 million cubic meters). This volume will be enough for at least a whole year of uninterrupted water supply to Big Yalta, even if there is no inflow in the near future.

Even with such significant reserves, Yalta continues to save fresh water, using moisture reserves from renewable natural sources for current consumption - the Khasta-Bash, Uch-Kosh and Massandrovsky waterfalls. This is necessary in order for the next holiday season to come to a good supply of water. An additional inflow will be obtained when the snow accumulated on the mountain plateaus begins to melt.

Recall, according to the Crimean Hydrometeorological Center, the reserves of the peninsula's reservoirs three times exceeded the indicators of 2020. And given the heavy rainfall in December, even more moisture will be accumulated by the beginning of January. Thus, the forecasts of scientists about the end of the dry period on the peninsula are confirmed.

Russia - Yalta, thanks to abundant rainfall, has accumulated a year's supply of water