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Russia - The Russian Federation cannot cope with import dependence on a number of food products

Russia (, - Russia grows more wheat and sunflower than it needs for domestic needs, has completely replaced "Bush's legs", and its pork is also enough. But it cannot cope with import dependence on vegetables and potatoes, milk and beef, as well as technologically more complex products - seeds, hatching eggs, vitamins and amino acids. Let's be honest - it won't be possible to solve this problem in 2022.

The government expects in 2022 to ensure the required level of production in the basic areas of the Food Security Doctrine, primarily in dairy and vegetable products. "Our indicators for milk and dairy products still fall short of the doctrine indicators, while vegetables and melons are still underperforming. These areas need additional emphasis," said Deputy Prime Minister Victoria Abramchenko (quoted from "Russia 24").

In 2022, a separate federal program for the development of vegetable growing, which is being developed by the Ministry of Agriculture, should help solve the problem. It also includes subsidies for private households. But in a year to raise potato growing, which has been falling for the last 20 years, and to build dozens of vegetable stores will be, to put it mildly, problematic. The same is with cabbage, carrots, onions - those very vegetables of the "borscht set", with the rise in prices for which the authorities fought this year.

The hatching egg is another commodity that has shown "character" this year. Russia imports it from abroad for about 20% of its demand. The authorities plan next year to begin reimbursing capital expenditures to investors who have invested in the construction of such enterprises, while at the same time raising duties on imported eggs. Again, it will hardly be possible to build such enterprises in a year, but the ice has broken.

It is more difficult with import substitution of seeds, vitamins, food ingredients, plant protection products. Progress in our country is perhaps in the production of seeds, and even then not for all crops - for example, sugar beet seeds are 100% imported.

However, the purely Russian mechanism for solving problems "until the roasted cock bites" works better for us than all decisions of party congresses or decrees. The sanctions forced us to replace American chicken legs. The sharp closure of China for Russian pollock has spurred the search for alternative distribution channels. You look, and the coming year will bring new ideas.

Russia - The Russian Federation cannot cope with import dependence on a number of food products