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The parliament proposed to introduce special duties on the import of energy resources from Russia

The Committee on Energy and Housing and Utilities Services of the Verkhovna Rada proposed to introduce a special duty on the import of fuel from Russia. This is reported by the publication "Economic Truth".

The head of the committee, Andrei Gerus, proposed introducing duties at the level of 4-5% on imports from Russia of diesel fuel, gasoline, liquefied gas, electricity, coal of grades "G", "A", "P".

“The funds received additionally to the budget can be used to improve the defense capability of the state and projects related to strengthening the energy security of Ukraine,” he explained.

It is noted that Gerus sent his proposal to Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmyhal, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilov, heads of a number of ministries and regulators.

Earlier, Dmitry Birichevsky, Director of the Department for Economic Cooperation of the Russian Foreign Ministry, said that the prospects for transit through Ukraine after 2024 will depend on agreements on gas supplies.

Prior to that, the head of the company "Naftogaz" Yuriy Vitrenko said that Ukraine cannot yet ensure the flow of gas from alternative sources of the Russian Federation.

The parliament proposed to introduce special duties on the import of energy resources from Russia