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Moldova - Experts predict a rise in property prices next year

Moldova ( - The pandemic has led to an increase in the cost of building materials, and as a result, apartments were sold for 20% more than last year. After continuous stagnation in the real estate market for several years, the number of transactions increased in 2021. According to experts, this trend will continue in the first months of 2022, reports.

According to economist Veaceslav Ionita, in the fourth quarter of 2008, when the real estate market reached its peak, an apartment in Chisinau with an area of ​​70 square meters cost almost 61 thousand euros. This was followed by a continuous decline in prices, until 2018, when an apartment of 70 square meters cost about 38 thousand euros. At the end of last year, when apartment prices were rising, they asked for 42 thousand euros for the same apartment. This year, in the third quarter, the same housing costs 50 thousand euros.

"It was a special year when the economy emerged from these pandemic constraints. The economy is imbalanced, the real estate market has reflected this imbalance. Real estate is not something that is sold or bought so easily, so we have seen an increase of about 10%." - said the economic expert Viorel Girbu.

Real estate agents have different calculations and they claim that in 2021 they registered an increase in prices of even more than 10%. This was due to several factors.

"There is no more land for real estate in Chisinau, the second point is to extend the moratorium on construction. Another reason for the rise in prices is the rise in prices for building materials after the pandemic. Apartments were sold both in old and new apartment buildings," real estate.

"We expect that next year we will have another 15% growth, this is not only our opinion, but also the opinion of other specialists in this area," - said the real estate agent.

Economic experts say that the real estate market is rather opaque. Those who sell, as well as those who buy real estate, prefer not to declare the real value at which the transaction was made. Thus, it is still difficult to make an objective and real analysis of the industry.

Moldova - Experts predict a rise in property prices next year