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Putin gave instructions to improve the safety of work in mines

On Monday, the Kremlin's website published six instructions from Russian President Vladimir Putin following a meeting on the situation in the coal industry of Kuzbass held on December 2, 2021. Among other things, enterprises where the safety of workers is not respected will be closed. And the leader of the country instructed the miners to abolish the production rate.

Closure of enterprises

The Government of the Russian Federation and the State Duma, Putin instructed by January 1, 2023 to amend the Code of the Russian Federation concerning administrative offenses.

So, for non-fulfillment of the requirements for degassing during the extraction of coal (oil shale), the activities of the enterprise should be suspended. Employers who fail to comply with the safety of employees engaged in hazardous or hazardous work will also be held liable.

In addition, a punishment will be provided for officials for “failure to issue or untimely issuance of an order to eliminate detected violations, failure to conduct or untimely verification of the execution of a previously issued order”.

Cancellation of the production rate

The President instructed the Government of the Russian Federation, with the participation of representatives of trade union organizations and representatives of employers of the coal industry, to adjust the salaries of miners. Moreover, this must be done by February 1, 2022.

“(Provide -) the exclusion from the structure of the conditionally constant part of the miners 'wages of payments that directly or indirectly depend on the output (the amount of coal mined), including payment at piece rates, while maintaining the share of the conditionally constant part in the structure of the miners' wages is not less than 70 percent, as well as to ensure that this approach is consolidated in subsequent sectoral agreements on the coal industry, ”reads the text published in the Presidential Instructions section.

By March 1 of this year, it is also necessary to increase the salaries of employees who control work at facilities with underground work. Their salaries must be "not lower than the average salary of managers and (or) engineering and technical workers of enterprises in the relevant industry."

In addition, the enterprises will install video cameras to monitor production facilities of I and II hazard classes. If necessary, these personnel can be provided to law enforcement agencies or the court.

“(Provide -) protection against falsification of readings of automatic control systems and transmission of remote monitoring data and individual sensors on the location of miners to Rostekhnadzor and EMERCOM of Russia in real time,” the document specifies.

Additional compensations

Vladimir Putin also instructed to take into account world experience when developing measures "to establish an exhaustive list of upper-air safety requirements and other industrial safety requirements for underground mining facilities."

By May 1, employers must be obliged to allow trade unions to monitor compliance with labor laws. Those leaders who try to obstruct union activities will be held accountable.

The leader of the country ordered the government of the Russian Federation to control the "decommissioning of coal mines with a high risk of accidents (taking into account the analysis of the consequences of such a withdrawal for the economy and social sphere)."

"The Russian government, if necessary, to take ... measures providing ... improving working conditions in coal industry organizations, increasing the safety of mining operations, reducing accidents and injuries in the coal industry, maintaining the combat readiness of paramilitary mine rescue, emergency rescue units," the document says.

The President also ordered to oblige employers to compensate for the damage to "family members of miners who died as a result of an industrial accident or in connection with an occupational disease." The amount will be paid on an equal basis with payments provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases.

Putin gave instructions to improve the safety of work in mines