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Economics & Business News

Enabling of Ad Blocking in Apple’s iOS 9 Prompts Backlash

For years, people have longed for ways to stop advertising from popping up on their iPhones and iPads. Now, software to block ads on these gadgets has arrived — and the harsh realities of the practice are causing second thoughts.

Just two days afterenabled ad-blocking apps through its, iOS 9, users are embracing the new technology after long complaining that the ads track them, slow down web browsers and are just plain annoying.

Yet some web publishers are now fretting that ads on their sites can’t be viewed because of the blockers, which could threaten these publishers’ livelihoods.

Advertising underlies much of the Internet, making it possible for people to make a living off the Internet and create the content that users consume. By limiting ads, that implicit contract was violated, some publishers and advertisers said.

Enabling of Ad Blocking in Apple’s iOS 9 Prompts Backlash