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High-speed rail remains elusive in US

Travelers easily whiz from city to city on high-speed trains in many parts of South America, Asia and Europe. Yet the US has never built a single stretch of high-speed rail.

Much larger land mass, longer distances between major cities, the high cost of construction, efficient air travel, relatively low prices for gasoline and a car-based culture are holding US back.

“The challenge in America is the scale of America,” said Robert Eckels, chief executive of the Texas Central High Speed Railway, a private venture that is planning a bullet train between Dallas and Houston.

Despite the political resistance and financial hurdles, two projects have moved beyond the conceptual phase. One is California’s $68 billion plan for a high-speed rail network connecting Northern and Southern California. The other is the privately financed plan in central Texas.

Rail proponents argue that American companies will be among the biggest beneficiaries, arguing that the lack of high-speed rail has hurt American competitiveness.

High-speed rail remains elusive in US