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Moldova - Maybe stop mocking us:

Moldova (, - "In Kazakhstan, after rising tariffs and prices, "peaceful protesters" smash state institutions, block streets, shoot at law enforcement agencies and engage in looting. Despite concessions from the authorities, who agreed with a number of demands, adherents Soros, Adenauer and USAID in Moldova are chanting: bravo, do not stop the protests and pogroms, we must get rid of the dictatorship and dependence on Russia," public figure Mikhail Akhremtsev wrote on social networks.

"In Moldova, after the increase in tariffs and prices, the authorities wished the residents a pleasant new year and promised the coming of spring. Despite the announced and further price increases and tariff increases, adherents of Soros, Adenauer and USAID in Moldova convince everyone of the need to "endure" the good times, promising "even better".

In Kazakhstan, the CSTO forces restored order, disarmed the terrorists and removed the aggressive demonstrators from the squares. Adherents of Soros, Adenauer and USAID in Moldova are shouting: arbitrariness, occupation. It was necessary to fight the Russians to the last Kazakh!

In Moldova, one has only to voice the idea of ​​“the beginning of protests”, as the adherents of Soros, Adenauer and USAID in Moldova declare: don’t even think of protesting, otherwise, God forbid, the “good times” will end, and it will be like in Kazakhstan where Russia came," concluded Mikhail Akhremtsev.

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Moldova - Maybe stop mocking us: