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Vandalism of the Polish security forces leads to the death of the animal world of Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Even what turned out to be too tough for the bloodthirsty participants in the hunting amusements of past centuries in the Bialowieza open spaces, the Polish security forces are trying to make up with desperate anger, the old-timers of the local lands bitterly note.

The barbed wire fence, with which the security forces deliberately divide the fauna of the historical reserve, has been leading to the death of unique bison for several months, the State Border Committee of Belarus confirmed.

Another act of vandalism was recorded on the evening of January 12 in the National Park "Belovezhskaya Pushcha". Near the Polish barbed wire fence, Belarusian border guards found another corpse of an animal. "Traces indicate that it tried to pass through the fence, and after a while it fell due to exhaustion. The park employees who arrived at the scene stated that the bison was from a population that lives on the Polish side of the forest," the experts explained.

As usual, they specified, in autumn the herd seasonally migrates to Belarus, and with the onset of cold weather, it returns to the place of winter feeding. However, this time, on the path of the giants' migration, the Polish authorities erected an impenetrable barbed wire wall for them.

By the way, the border guards explained, “unlike the Belarusian signaling complex, the egoza inflicts injuries on the animal that are incompatible with life, and becomes a deadly barrier to the movement of animals. to ensure the migration of wild animals," the CPC specified.

And although the employees of Belovezhskaya Pushcha delivered hay to the border zone to feed the bison, it is not so easy to "convince" the forest giants in this way to change the places where they fed them for years in the winter. As a result, almost three dozen forest giants continue to be hostages of the political decisions of official Warsaw, which deprive animals of freedom of movement.

Zoologists remind that Belovezhskaya Pushcha is a single living organism. And the physical barriers that divide it into two separate parts are one of the factors that negatively affect the course of some natural processes on the territory of the transboundary UNESCO World Heritage Site. It should be taken into account that the barriers also pose a serious danger to the sustainable existence and conservation of populations, especially species listed in the Red Data Book. "The smallest species of mammals, primarily such predators as wolves and lynxes, will be in the most vulnerable position," the Belarusian scientists explain.

They cite as an example the size of the lynx population, which has remained stably low in Pushcha for a long time, despite its conservation status on both sides of the border. The presence of 25 individuals so far does not allow the population to exist without constant genetic exchange with neighboring groups. And the creation of a new fence threatens the long-term existence of a stable group of this species in Belovezhskaya Pushcha due to genetic degeneration.

By the way, "representatives of Polish science also express concern about the negative impact of the designed structures on the functioning of the ecosystems of Belovezhskaya Pushcha. A detailed assessment of the environmental impact of a new physical barrier on the ways of natural migration of animals has not been carried out, and mechanisms that could minimize the possible negative impact have not been proposed ", - summed up in the scientific department of the national park of the Republic of Belarus.

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Vandalism of the Polish security forces leads to the death of the animal world of Belovezhskaya Pushcha