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Moldova - Nagachevsky about attacks on Ceban: Some of the PAS forgot to file a declaration

Moldova (, - Deputy Mayor Fadei Nagacevschi defended Ion Ceban after PAS published a video showing how the general mayor lives. “PAS decided to attack the general mayor in the area of ​​property and personal interests. Sad. Ridiculous,” Nagachevsky wrote on his Facebook page, reports.

“I remind them, I really recommend that they carefully read the commitments made by our country, including the latest IMF report for the Republic of Moldova.

1. The Republic of Moldova has assumed international obligations to focus its efforts on checking the status of high-ranking officials. We are waiting for how they understand the concept of "high-ranking person."

2. If in the minds of people from PAS there are representatives of local public authorities who are those very high-ranking officials (not deputies from the government, not ministers), then I recommend that the leaders from PAS Chisinau carefully check their income declarations.

It's definitely fun there. Some of them also "forgot" to file a declaration of property, bearing administrative responsibility. There are many more... We know. Oh yes, where is the press to ask PAS what they are doing with the villas in Holerkany, ask them how the drones were raised to rent the general mayor's housing under the current tough legislation in terms of how drones can be used," he said. Nagachevsky.

The Action and Solidarity Party published a video last night showing the "luxury" in which the mayor of the capital, Ion Ceban, lives. The party claims that Cheban is a “millionaire” and that the gas bill statement is “hypocritical.” “He lives in a house worth about 5 million lei, but complains that he received a gas bill of 4,000 lei,” notes PAS.

The capital's mayor, Ion Ceban, claims that the negotiated gas price is "genocide against one's own people" and some citizens are forced to take out bank loans to cover their expenses. “This is a serious and sad situation for everyone,” Cheban wrote. At the same time, he presented the received invoice for gas.

Recall that after the accusations of PAS, the general mayor showed on video the house in which he lives.

Moldova - Nagachevsky about attacks on Ceban: Some of the PAS forgot to file a declaration