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Sanders gave Clinton road map for a general election

To bounce back against Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton turned to her strengths — rallying African-Americans, Latinos and especially women to her history-making candidacy, reports The Japan Times.

They helped her dismantle Sanders on Super Tuesday. And they’ll help her with her general election challenge — especially if she’s running against Donald Trump.

Trump, the billionaire businessman, and Sanders, a democratic socialist who has called for a revolution against the billionaire class, couldn’t be much farther apart on the ideological spectrum.

Yet, weeks ago, as Sanders was bringing the fight to Clinton in Iowa and schooling her in New Hampshire, he also was forcing the former secretary of state to work harder to consolidate and energize two groups she had always assumed would be with her — women and minority voters.

Inadvertently, Sanders was giving Clinton a road map for a general election, especially if it’s a contest against Trump, whose campaign slights against women, Hispanics and Muslims are ready-made for negative ads meant to drive Democratic turnout.

Sanders’ strength also forced Clinton to face an unpleasant truth: that her candidacy was unappealing to younger Americans. It was an unnerving but important lesson for a woman hoping for redemption by winning a nomination she had lost to Barack Obama in 2008.

“That is the way to victory in November: young people, people of color, women,” said Stephanie Schriock, president of Emily’s List, a group committed to electing pro-choice Democratic women. She said Clinton was able to “really consolidate the long support she’s held among communities of color and keep expanding her growing strength with women.”

“Our ultimate goal here is to bring the entire party together in one force to stop what we believe is coming at us, and that is Donald Trump and a Republican Party that is full of hatred and anger,” Schriock said.

Sanders gave Clinton road map for a general election