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Russia - The government supported a project requiring court employees to wear a uniform

Russia (, - The Russian government has prepared a positive response to a bill requiring judicial personnel to wear uniforms in certain situations.

The initiative was taken by the Supreme Court of Russia.

The project has already been submitted to the State Duma and included in the approximate agenda of the parliament for February.

"The initiative is aimed at increasing the authority of the judiciary. Service uniform is a disciplining factor that affects both the behavior of employees and the attitude of visitors," commented Vladimir Gruzdev, Chairman of the Board of the Russian Bar Association.

In addition, he stressed that the bill provides for the mandatory wearing of official uniforms by employees of the federal court apparatus in the performance of official duties. Assistant judges, secretaries of the court session, as well as officials who directly interact with citizens and representatives of organizations will be required to wear uniforms.

In turn, Tatyana Protsenko, a member of the council of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers, believes that the issue of providing court employees with service uniforms has long been overdue, since the moment they were assigned the class ranks of civil servants.

"The role of the court apparatus in organizing the justice process is the most important - it is the employees of the apparatus that ensure the document flow in court, register and record cases considered by the court, organize work with citizens and organizations that have applied to the court for the restoration of their violated rights or are held accountable," she says. - The secretary of the court session and the assistant judge are procedural persons - they perform their duties and bear responsibility in accordance with procedural laws. That is, they are participants in the trial along with the judge, prosecutor and other persons.

According to the representative of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers, it is obvious that, given the importance of their role in the administration of justice, the staff of the apparatus must be extremely disciplined and responsible, which is undoubtedly facilitated by the presence of uniform service uniforms.

It is proposed to establish in the law an exhaustive list of cases when an employee of the court apparatus is required to wear a uniform at the workplace. And the local leadership will not be able to expand the list

"And taking into account that it is the staff of the apparatus who primarily communicate with court visitors, their appearance plays a huge role in shaping the image of the court in the eyes of citizens and organizations," Tatyana Protsenko said.

The government in its response proposed to establish an exhaustive list of cases of mandatory wearing of service uniforms, excluding the possibility of supplementing such a list by the chairman of the court. In other words, the leadership on the ground will not be able to put on uniforms for everyone they want.

Russia - The government supported a project requiring court employees to wear a uniform