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Russia - Saransk College Students Win WorldSkills Developed by BYTEX

Russia (, - Mordovia is preparing for the first time to host the finals of the X National Championship "Young Professionals" (WorldSkills Russia) - 2022. And recently, the regional stage of the championship ended in the republic. Among the 52 competencies presented at the tournament, a special place is occupied by "Game Software Testing Specialist". This discipline was included in the WorldSkills program thanks to the efforts of BYTEX, the largest IT industry in Mordovia.

According to the results of the three-day competition, Daniil Fomin, a student of the Saransk Polytechnic College, became the winner of the regional stage, Vitaly Shevyakhov from the Saransk State Industrial and Economic College took the silver medal, and Alexander Tyavkin, a student of the Saransk Electromechanical College, took the third place. It is indicative that all of them were trained in BYTEX.

The new competence has a great future. And the recently held regional stage of the WorldSkills championship confirmed that the interest in the specialty of a software tester and the video game industry as a whole among young people is growing. Participants of IT competencies demonstrated their knowledge and ability to find errors in games and programs, to write test documentation on the basis of the Saransk Polytechnic College. These are students of specialized Saransk secondary schools with whom the company has been actively cooperating for a long time: in particular, BYTEX specialists conduct author's testing courses there.

The tester competitions were judged by employees of specialized educational institutions, who were also trained under BYTEX programs. And the leading employees of the company's personnel training and development department worked at the tournament of professional skills as experts.

- It can be seen that the competence, which was introduced into the WorldSkills Championship with the direct participation of BYTEX, is being widely developed: this is the third regional competition in which testing specialists take part, - said Dmitry Karasev, CEO of BYTEX. - The participants did an excellent job with the tasks, although for many of them this is the first competitive experience. But, according to the guys, it helped that all the tasks were well known to them and had been repeatedly completed and perfected directly on real projects.

As you know, many WorldSkills competencies are developed jointly with business. BYTEX has been cooperating with this movement for many years. It is no coincidence that the company's educational center was recognized as fully compliant with WorldSkills requirements and included in the list of centers for those wishing to acquire a profession under the federal Employment Assistance program. The competency "Game Software Testing Specialist" developed by BYTEX employees aroused great interest in the professional environment. Experts welcome the fact that this practice was tested for the first time in Mordovia, moreover, not just in the form of an idea, but already in the form of a specific project and educational program. This initiative can also be extended at the federal level.

Now Saransk students have the opportunity to show off their acquired skills at the All-Russian stage of the WorldSkills championship.

Recall that the 10th - anniversary - WorldSkills Russia Championship will be held in Saransk at the end of May. As part of the tournament, the capital of the republic will also host the WorldSkills Movement Forum, which will bring together business partners, representatives of educational organizations and authorities, as well as leading experts from the professional community on discussion platforms.


BYTEX was founded in 2004. Now it employs over 250 people, it is one of the leaders in the testing market in Russia.

The professional level of this Saransk enterprise is eloquently evidenced by the fact that last year it merged into the Swedish holding Embracer Group, which is considered one of the world's largest video game manufacturers. At the same time, BYTEX twice became the leader of the All-Russian competition among enterprises of high social efficiency, becoming the only IT company in the country that won diplomas of the winner and prize-winner in the nomination "For the creation and development of jobs in non-production organizations."

In the last five years alone, about 200 new jobs with decent pay have been opened here. It should be noted that future employees in the company are trained by themselves, successfully solving the problem of personnel shortages.

Russia - Saransk College Students Win WorldSkills Developed by BYTEX