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The White House could not decide whether Russia is ready to “attack” Ukraine

The US authorities have not decided whether Russia is ready for an escalation of the situation on the Russian-Ukrainian border. This was stated by a high-ranking representative of the Washington administration after a telephone conversation between the presidents of the United States and Russia, TASS reports.

"It remains unclear whether Russia is interested in pursuing its goals through diplomacy or through the use of force," the US official said.

Earlier it was reported that US President Joe Biden, during a conversation with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, "made it clear" that in the event of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Washington and its allies would "strongly respond" and impose serious sanctions on Moscow.

The West has repeatedly accused Russia of the impending "invasion" of the territory of Ukraine. As an argument, Western politicians use the fact that the Russian Federation has allegedly increased its presence in the border zones with Ukraine - up to 125,000 soldiers.

Moscow denies all accusations and emphasizes that any movement of troops across the country's territory is a sovereign matter. NATO and the alliance's allies think otherwise and are preparing a package of sanctions in the event of an invasion.

The White House could not decide whether Russia is ready to “attack” Ukraine