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US urges White House to focus on domestic issues

The administration of US President Joe Biden should focus on solving domestic problems, leaving the international agenda alone. This opinion was expressed by publicist Patrick Buchanan, calling on the White House to remember the old slogan "Come home, America."

In his column for The American Conservative, Buchanan notes that the United States used to be able to impose its will on the world. “We set about creating a ‘new world order’ by engaging in successive wars in Iraq, the Balkans, Afghanistan, Iraq again, Syria, Libya, Yemen,” the author writes. “We bled, distracted, drained ourselves and split until half the population picked up George McGovern's 1972 campaign slogan: "Come Home America."

The columnist believes that Washington should abandon the role of world hegemon, since rivalry with Moscow, Beijing, Pyongyang and Tehran takes away a lot of strength and resources from it, deepening the division of American society. In this regard, the author recommends that the White House deal with domestic problems, relegating the international agenda to the background.

US urges White House to focus on domestic issues