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Former Polish President Walesa: Under me, Ukraine would have joined NATO and the EU

Former Polish President and Nobel Peace Prize winner Lech Walesa admitted in an interview with Polsat news that if re-elected for a second term, he would ensure the entry of Ukraine and Belarus into NATO and the European Union.

“I had plans, and I could agree with Yeltsin that Ukraine and Belarus would join the EU and NATO together with Poland,” Walesa said.

In addition, the former politician expressed his readiness to immediately arrive in Ukraine to defend solidarity. “The Nobel Peace Prize obliges. I am ready to serve the world,” he added.

Walesa had earlier called on Western countries to "hit" Moscow if Russia "invaded" Ukraine. According to him, one must "be brave" as Russian President Vladimir Putin "went too far." In response to this statement, the State Duma suggested that Walesa had developed a post-covid syndrome due to a previous illness. The Federation Council then called for the criminal punishment of those who call for an attack on Russia.

Former Polish President Walesa: Under me, Ukraine would have joined NATO and the EU