Bbabo NET


Strelkov questioned the ability of the DPR authorities to independently evacuate citizens

Former DPR Defense Minister Igor Girkin (Strelkov) doubts that the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic has enough capacity to organize the evacuation of residents. In an interview with him, he said that the local Ministry of Emergency Situations may not have enough transport to take people out.

“Firstly, we are talking about a sharp intensification of shelling of the frontline zone. It is unlikely that we are talking about the evacuation of those areas that are not under fire from Ukrainian artillery. Secondly, there is a very long distance from the announcement to the implementation, since there are no means of transport at the disposal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic for large-scale evacuation. In fact, people are invited to evacuate completely on their own, and state institutions on their own. Few people have their own strength there,” he said.

Girkin added that at the moment the evacuation has begun in Dokuchaevsk, because this settlement is located in the likely direction of one of the strikes of the Ukrainian armed forces.

“There is an evacuation going on, while I really don’t have any other reports of evacuation. Some actions are being taken in Donetsk, but Pushilin’s appeal is not enough for a mass evacuation,” he concluded.

Earlier, the head of the DPR, Denis Pushilin, announced the start of the evacuation of the population of Donbass to Russia due to the threat of an attack by the Ukrainian army. He added that the evacuation had been agreed with the Russian authorities.

“In the Rostov region, places are ready to receive and accommodate our citizens,” he said.

Strelkov questioned the ability of the DPR authorities to independently evacuate citizens