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Users ridiculed the tweet of the US Embassy in Ukraine with a meme about Kiev and Moscow

The US Embassy in Ukraine posted a meme about Moscow on its Facebook page.

The collage presented the development of Ukraine in 996-1108, and the images of Moscow in the same periods depicted a forest thicket.

In the comments, some users began to praise the United States and thank them for their support, and also stated that Ukraine "belongs to the European family of peoples." Others suggested refining the collage, depicting Manhattan and the United States in the same years, so that “the comparison was fair”, and correcting the name of the embassy, ​​since it is no longer located in Kiev, but “halfway from Lviv to Poland.”

On February 14, the main staff of the US Embassy in Ukraine moved from Kiev to Lvov, and then American diplomats left for Poland.

The US has begun evacuating its diplomats from Kiev for security reasons "in anticipation of a dangerous Russian invasion" of Ukraine. The German publication Bild reported that in the US embassy in Kiev, amid reports of the evacuation of diplomats, they began to burn documents and destroy secret equipment.

Users ridiculed the tweet of the US Embassy in Ukraine with a meme about Kiev and Moscow