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Russia - Psychologist gives 5 tips for explaining disturbing events to a child

Russia (, - The events taking place in the world today excite not only adults. Children, too, can be acutely aware of what is happening around them. Moreover, they cannot be isolated from the information space when it is everywhere - on the TV screen, gadgets, social networks, in adult conversations.

Olga Romaniv, a family psychologist, spoke in an interview with AiF about how to help children relate to what is happening in the right way.

She emphasized that children can react to various events even more sharply than adults. After all, they do not understand what is happening, and they can be tormented by a variety of questions.

Every parent should know how to help them deal with stress in this situation,” says family psychologist Olga Romaniv.

Rule one. Don't gloss over what's happening. The worst thing is to pretend that nothing is happening and deny the fact that something is happening. It is necessary to tell the child that in life there is both bad and good, it is impossible to protect him from the negative aspects of life all the time.

Hushing up the problem will only lead to more anxiety in the child. He "thinks" incomprehensible gaps with his fantasies and himself thinks up a picture of what is happening, and this can lead to even greater anxieties and fears.

It is best to explain to the child - "Yes, now, in fact, a serious world event can take place."

Rule two. You should not immediately put him in front of the TV and immerse him in detail in the ongoing event. Children are more receptive and emotional, you can just hurt his psyche.

It is best to calmly try to sort out the situation. At the same time, call everything by its proper name, and not avoid answers through figurative expressions and euphemisms. You should not tell him everything at once, especially what you yourself are poorly versed in. It’s better to say that you don’t have all the answers, and you will definitely tell when you figure it out.

Rule three. The child must be sure of his security, that you will always be there. Keep him in this confidence. Talk to him more often - what he feels, what he is afraid of and what worries him. Tell him that you understand him well and feel the same way. "Assure the child of your love and support. Now he needs it even more than usual," the psychologist recommends.

This applies not only to young children, the specialist emphasized.

Useful advice - offer him to draw. This will help the child to express what is difficult to say in words. So you better understand what feelings he is overwhelmed with. In addition, drawing is also a way of psychological relief.

Rule four. Do not think that all of the above applies only to young children. It is not necessary to assume that teenagers "already understand everything themselves" and are less vulnerable. Listen to them, talk to them, let them also speak out. They also need emotional support. It must be shown - assuring them of love, understanding and your desire for well-being for them.

Rule five. Talk to your child about all the safety measures that need to be followed and why this should be done. He must understand why you always need to be close to an adult. Discuss possible scenarios for the development of events and actions in them. He must know what to do in any situation.

Russia - Psychologist gives 5 tips for explaining disturbing events to a child