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Volunteers from Canada put together a truckload of belongings for homeless people

Muslim volunteers in Canada have joined forces to help flood-affected people in British Columbia get through the winter. In Ottawa alone, under the direction of the coordinators of the Canadian branch of the Islamic Relief Foundation, 1,500 kits of food and essentials have been collected, the main recipients of which will be the homeless. The kits include long-term storage products, warm blankets, hygiene products and other essentials, reports About Islam.

Such an action to help the inhabitants of the streets, which this year was joined by the flood-affected “prosperous” people, is held every winter. She got the name “Share the warmth”. This year, the kits will be distributed to those in need in Peel, Oshawa, Toronto, London and Windsor.

“The pandemic has made life harder and more Canadians have lost their roof over their heads,” says Reihana Patel, an employee of the Foundation. For flood victims in British Columbia who have been housed in temporary shelters, aid will be dispatched to a separate vehicle. The volunteers were able to fill a whole truck with the things they needed. Soon, the truck will go to the city of Merritt, which was most affected by the disaster. In late November, heavy rains caused mudflows that damaged buildings, streets, highways and residential buildings. Thousands of people lost their homes and were accommodated by the authorities in 20 evacuation centers.

“I am convinced that we should help each other regardless of race and religion, regardless of whether it is a neighboring province or another country. We need to help those who need it most. It is wrong to think that this cannot happen to us, and troubles only happen to other people, ”says Leila Charanek, coordinator of Islamic Relief.

Volunteers from Canada put together a truckload of belongings for homeless people