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Russian governor spoke about exchange of pleasantries with NATO

The governor of the Kaliningrad region, Anton Alikhanov, said that the frequency of flights of NATO reconnaissance aircraft around the region has recently increased, RIA Novosti reports.

“The frequency, of course, has increased, but, as far as I understand, they cannot see anything here that they cannot see from space. It is rather a border check, how quickly we react, see or not see, ”the official said.

He called such flights "standard courtesy exchange" between the military.

At the same time, Alikhanov noted that Russian pilots also fly near the borders with NATO countries, "which is nice."

“We hear them, we see them, everything is fine. Our aviation also has everything in order with its tracking and detection systems, ”added the head of the Kaliningrad region.

Earlier, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said NATO is ignoring Moscow's warnings and continues to create tensions near Russian borders.

Prior to this, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced an increase in the intensity of flights of reconnaissance aircraft of the North Atlantic Alliance near the country's borders in the Black Sea region.

Russian governor spoke about exchange of pleasantries with NATO