Bbabo NET


Muslim women and nuns united in defense of their rights

Muslim women in the African state of Uganda have appealed to parliament demanding that their right to wear the hijab be protected.

Muslim women in Uganda complain that they constantly have to take off their headscarves in order to receive basic government services, such as a passport photo or studying at state educational institutions.

Ugandan MP Aisha Kabanda said the country's constitution allows citizens to practice their religions, and being forced to remove headscarves for passport photos violates that right.

“Forcing covered Muslim women to reveal themselves deprives them of their right to practice religion, this is discrimination,” Aisha said of the appeal of the country’s Muslim women.

Speaker of the Ugandan Parliament Anita Among confirmed that she had received a petition from Muslim women and Catholic nuns who complained about a similar problem, according to , citing Anadolu Agency.

Muslim women and nuns united in defense of their rights