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First coronavirus detected on Easter Island in 15 months

Russia ( - For the first time in the past 15 months, doctors have discovered a coronavirus on the Chilean Easter Island. As a result of testing passengers on one of the flights, nine people were identified with COVID-19.

According to the country's Ministry of Health, all the sick are residents of the island who were previously vaccinated. Now they are in isolation, they have no symptoms of the disease.

A total of 231 people were on board this flight. Local authorities will establish surveillance of all passengers, as well as the people with whom they contacted, writes RIA Novosti.

On Easter Island, the last case of coronavirus infection was recorded in September 2020. From February 2022, the authorities planned to open the island to tourists. However, in late October, local residents voted against this in a referendum. These results are of a recommendatory nature, since the final decision remains with the authorities.

There have been no tourists on the island since March 2020. Meanwhile, tourism is one of the main sources of income for the inhabitants of Easter Island. Before the pandemic, the island was visited by more than 100 thousand tourists a year. The main attraction of Easter is the mysterious stone sculptures of the moai.

First coronavirus detected on Easter Island in 15 months