Bbabo NET


Cargoes to the Crimea went along the road of life through the Kherson region

Cargoes to the Crimea have already gone along a route alternative to the Crimean bridge, - Pavel Ieno, the head of the Sevastopol Department of Transport, officially announced.

Cargoes follow the territory of Rostov, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. Here passes the "road of life" - the coastal highway M-14.

In addition, inspection complexes were sent from the Kherson region to the Crimea - they will intensively examine the cars following along the Crimean bridge.

Trucks and regular buses are not yet allowed on the bridge. Buses and trucks are delivered by ferries - the line runs between the ports of the Caucasus and Kerch. Huge traffic jams have already formed at the ports.

Despite temporary difficulties with logistics, in Crimea and Sevastopol there are no queues either at gas stations or in stores. The authorities say that the supply of fuel and food in warehouses will last at least 30-40 days.

There is nothing for residents to worry about.

Cargoes to the Crimea went along the road of life through the Kherson region