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Trump told why he did not pardon Snowden and Assange

Former US President Donald Trump said in an interview with the Daily Wire that he did not pardon former US intelligence officer Edward Snowden and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, as the stories of both are ambiguous. This was reported by RIA Novosti.

“On the one hand, it’s like a spy story going on, but on the other, you have someone who exposed the real corruption. I had a feeling, I will not say which of them, but I had a feeling in relation to one more than in relation to the other, ”Trump recalled, without specifying who he had in mind.

The ex-head of the White House noted that good people spoke for and against the persecution, the bad took one side - which, he did not say. In such circumstances, the 45th American president decided - "let the action continue, let the court sort it out."

Trump added that subsequently people who wanted to put Snowden and Assange in prison took up arms against him.

Earlier, Assange's fiancée Stella Morris said that he suffered a stroke in London's Belmarsh prison.

Trump told why he did not pardon Snowden and Assange