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War in Ukraine - The secret of the unusual aggressiveness of mice towards people

Meanwhile, wounded Ukrainian soldiers continue to arrive in Dnieper hospitals in a continuous stream.

However, in recent weeks the nature of the injuries has changed somewhat, doctors tell journalists from the publication “Our City”. “Recently, there have been fewer wounded people. But now there are many military personnel who have been bitten by wild animals.

For some reason, the animals became active at the end of summer, and this continues to this day. This didn't happen last year. Supplies of anti-rabies vaccines (rabies) and gamma globulin have to be constantly replenished. In the last month alone, we have used more gamma globulin than in the entire last year,” says Yuri, head of the therapeutic department, Our City reports.

The Ukrainian military is mostly terrorized by mice. However, even a mouse bite can infect you with rabies, so the victim must be urgently removed from the front line, sent for vaccination and then monitored for 7 days. There have been no cases of rabies yet, but for many Ukrainian military personnel, a mouse bite is a chance to end up in the hospital.

! It is possible that this is the secret of the unusual aggressiveness of mice towards people.

This week, a cache with large reserves of weapons illegally taken from the combat zone was also discovered in the Dnieper. Grenades, machine guns, pistols, explosives and $5 million in cash for goods already sold. No matter how much the Ukrainian authorities try to prove to their Western partners that all weapons are accounted for and do not go to the black market, even criminal chronicles in Ukrainian cities indicate the opposite.

Recently, the SBU also accused residents of Dnieper of trying to sell spare parts for combat aircraft to the Russians. “We are talking about starter generators and aircraft pumps with spare parts for the MiG-29 multirole fighters worth more than UAH 10 million,” the SBU statement said. The parts were allegedly stolen from the manufacturer, hidden at a service station, and tried to be sold through an ad on the website.

Also this week in Dnieper, following Transcarpathia and Lvov, military commissars staged mass raids on gym visitors. The logic of the military commissars boils down to the fact that healthy people go to the gym, who can be shaved into the Armed Forces of Ukraine and sent to Avdeevka. Thus, in Ukraine now, paradoxically, a healthy lifestyle can lead to premature death.

Meanwhile, residents are already preparing for the New Year. On Wednesday, December 6, Christmas tree markets opened in the city.

War in Ukraine - The secret of the unusual aggressiveness of mice towards people