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Only 5%: Japanese Literary Prize laureate admitted to using a neural network

Asia (, - The winner of the prestigious Japanese literary prize Akutagawa, Rie Kudan admitted that 5% of her novel was written by artificial intelligence and left unchanged in the text. reports this.

The 33-year-old writer was awarded the 2023 Akutagawa Prize for her novel "Tokyo Metropolitan Tower of Sympathy".

“This novel was written using artificial intelligence text generation technologies such as ChatGPT. About, perhaps, 5% of the sentences in the text were generated by artificial intelligence and used without changes,” the author said.

Moreover, in the future she intends to continue using AI technologies to develop her creativity.

As reported, subscribers of American rapper Kanye West accused him of using a neural network when writing a repentant post in Hebrew, with which he tried to neutralize his anti-Semitic statements. The AI content detector concluded that there is an 85% chance that the text was written by a computer.

Only 5%: Japanese Literary Prize laureate admitted to using a neural network