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Moldova - Slusar: Government will extend customs relief for Tiraspol by six months

Moldova (, - Alexander Slusari claims that "the executive branch intends to extend for 6 months the regime of crossing customs posts on the eastern border without taxes and with superficial customs control of goods," the ex-parliamentarian wrote on the social network Facebook.

“I believe that the government should publicly explain the reasons for this concession, which is causing more and more damage to the Republic of Moldova.

By the way, continuous concessions to Transnistria are taking place against the background of demonstrative hostilities on Saturday, which were first organized near the administrative border, and not at the training ground.

Who does not know, I inform you that most of the "imports" to the so-called Transnistrian republic come from Ukraine through the city of Kuchurgan, where two common customs posts are located, which are more involved in monitoring the transported goods.

In addition to the fact that "importers" do not pay VAT and excise taxes to the state budget, customs officers and ANSA do not check the compliance of import documents with Moldovan legislation and do not exercise physical control.

Basically, goods arrive in the region only under the customs invoice. There are no guarantees that tax-free products brought to the regions on the left bank of the Dniester will not be brought to the right bank in a few hours.

This shameful customs procedure has been going on for 4 years, since the time of Plahotniuc, and is a kind of tacit legalization of smuggling.

January 1 was the deadline to partially stop this chaos. However, we see that in the bad traditions of previous governments, during the holidays, when society is focused on other issues, the government intends to further humiliate Moldova and enrich the criminal group in Tiraspol at the expense of citizens and businesses on the right bank of the Dniester, ”wrote Alexander Slusar.

Moldova - Slusar: Government will extend customs relief for Tiraspol by six months