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Kuleba named Putin's trait useful for Ukraine

The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmitry Kuleba said that he would like to see Russian President Vladimir Putin at the summit in the "Normandy format". This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the RBK-Ukraine agency.

It is about the meeting of Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany. According to the head of the Ukrainian department, Putin does not leave the negotiating table without an agreement.

“In principle, it doesn't matter to us how many participants there will be, the main thing for us is that President Putin is sitting at the table. He has such a trait that if he already sits down at the table, he tries to get up because of him with an agreement, and then a solution can be sought, "Kuleba emphasized.

At the same time, the Minister of Foreign Affairs drew attention to the fact that the topic related to adjustments in the "Normandy format" of negotiations to resolve the situation in Donbass is not being raised now.

Earlier, Kuleba said that Western countries do not have unity on the issue of sanctions against Russia.

The head of the department also said that Western countries should make their statements about possible sanctions against Russia in connection with the situation around Ukraine more clear.

Kuleba named Putin's trait useful for Ukraine