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Poland and Holland to fight Russian propaganda

Poland will cooperate with Holland to create a Russian-language TV channel in an attempt to combat Russian propaganda.

Polish Foreign Minister Grzegorz Schetyna said the main aim of the project is to combat Russian propaganda Europe-wide. “This will be something which will enforce true and just information instead of a language of propaganda and aggression,” Schetyna said. The project would work in addition to a media portfolio – TV, information channels, internet portals and radio stations – which are already operating in Europe.

According to Schetyna, the channel would be fully functional in a year, and would be targeted mostly at Russians and Russian-speaking minorities in eastern-European countries. As it is a Polish-Dutch project, Minister Schetyna will present it in Brussels together with his Dutch counterpart Bert Koenders. The two countries, however, also count on the involvement of other EU members.

Poland and Holland to fight Russian propaganda