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Ukraine assessed the threat of open aggression by Russia

Oleksiy Danilov, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine, said that at present there are no signs of Russia's preparation for a hypothetical invasion of a neighboring country. This was reported by RIA Novosti.

“Today we do not see a great danger at the borders,” Danilov said during a briefing, noting that there is no large concentration of Russian troops near the border either.

There is no threat of an open armed conflict with the Russian Federation, he summed up.

Earlier, the NSDC secretary said in an interview with Novoye Vremya that Russia is not building up its military grouping on the border. According to him, a hypothetical invasion of the Russian army requires "at least three, four, five times - much more" forces. However, the threat of attack remains, he added.

Prior to that, Danilov expressed the opinion that Russian President Vladimir Putin is seeking the collapse of Ukraine into several parts, which will fix the belonging of Crimea to the Russian Federation. According to him, if this goal cannot be achieved by destabilizing the situation inside Ukraine, Putin can allegedly arrange an armed conflict between the countries.

Ukraine assessed the threat of open aggression by Russia