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The muftis advocated the expansion of the materkapital program in Russia

Russia and the CIS ( - The Muslim community in Russia proposes to expand the maternity capital program so that citizens have an additional incentive to have or adopt children.

As the head of the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims (SAM) of Russia, Mufti Albir Krganov, noted in an interview with RIA Novosti, the amount received from the state by families with children is often very significant for them, especially when living in a village.

In his opinion, the program should be expanded and the possibility of increasing payments should be considered.

The Mufti of Moscow Ildar Alyautdinov, in turn, proposed to consider the option of providing material assistance to all children and increasing the amount of payments depending on which child is born in the family.

The muftis advocated the expansion of the materkapital program in Russia