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Moldova - Ivan Bodul

Moldova (, - The legendary Ivan Ivanovich Bodul passed away only 7 years ago at the age of 95. But controversy about his role in the formation of Soviet Moldavia and about the legacy has not subsided to this day. We, the correspondents of "Komsomolskaya Pravda", occasionally called Ivan Ivanovich in Moscow, asked to share his memories, he never refused. Here is an excerpt from an interview that was published in our newspaper at the end of 2006:

- The time of Brezhnev's rule must be considered in terms of reality. Not much time has passed, and history will put everything in its place! It was during the reign of Brezhnev that Moldova became a developed republic. The republic has never been dependent. We grew 350 thousand tons of meat in live weight a year, and handed over 140 thousand tons to Moscow. I remember that in 1975 the USSR produced 8.3 billion conventional cans of fruit and vegetable products. The MSSR accounted for two billion.

Moldova produced 45% of all tobacco produced in the USSR! Leonid Ilyich used to say to me: “Moldova is simply saving the Soviet Union. If not for you, we would have to buy tobacco abroad for gold! "

- And how do you like the current documentaries and feature films about the secretary general?

- The creators of such pictures do not know the era well. They slip on trifles, give them everyday satire, political chatter. They are interested in what Brezhnev ate, with whom he slept ... And the head of such a huge state must be judged by economic indicators and the solution of social issues! But all the same I watch all these films!

- How is your health, Ivan Ivanovich?

- Not bad at all for my age. In parting, I would like to convey my heartfelt congratulations to all residents of Moldova on the proclamation of full sovereignty. Within the framework of the USSR, the republic had limitations, but thanks to the fact that the MSSR was part of a huge country, Moldova developed so quickly and became a flourishing land.

I wish Moldova to finally come out of the crisis, to end this transitional period. And I am also worried that Moldova is divided into two parts. Rather, it even jars. Let the republic become united as soon as possible! And I also regret that I did not do more in my time for the development of our original culture ...


How Bodul treated the stars of Soviet cinema in the Cricova cellars with wine

In June 1972, the Days of Russian Culture opened in Moldova. An impressive troop of movie stars landed in Chisinau: Evgeny Matveev, Vsevolod Sanaev, Ivan Pereverzev, Nonna Mordyukova, Larisa Luzhina, Victoria Fedorova, Tamara Nosova. The cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Andrian Nikolaev, also arrived ...

The all-powerful first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Moldova, Ivan Bodul, invited the actors to the famous Cricova cellars. Only the owner of the republic and the artists were in the banquet hall. And no security.

- Ivan Ivanovich began to pour wine for the guests for tasting, - says art critic Victor Andon. - He says to them: "If you don't like it, pour it into this bowl!" There was a huge glass container nearby. Well, they began to pour both white and red wine there. The cocktail turned out like that.

Valentin Yezhov, the famous screenwriter, author of such films as "The Ballad of a Soldier" and "White Sun of the Desert", has always loved to drink. The bowl was filling up, which could not fail to attract his attention. Already drunk, he turned to Bodul:

- Ivan Ivanovich, what will you do with the contents of the bowl then?

- Like what? - Bodul was surprised. - Let's pour it out!

- Well, the same is impossible! - Valentin Ivanovich shook his head reproachfully. - Why should the good be lost!

He went up to the bowl, lifted it with difficulty and began to drink. I drank everything, did not leave a drop!

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Moldova - Ivan Bodul