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In Ukraine, they told what they forgot about in Europe

Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Andriy Melnyk said that Europe and Germany have forgotten about Ukraine's aspiration to join the European Union (EU). He noted that Kiev has been planning this since 2014. He announced this on January 7 on the air of the WDR radio station.

“As for the European Union, this is a demand and a desire since the time of the Maidan, when they spoke out not only against Yanukovych, but, above all, for membership in the EU. Unfortunately, this was forgotten too quickly in Europe and Germany, ”the diplomat expressed his point of view.

Miller is confident that Brussels should make "bolder decisions" regarding Kiev's accession to the European Union.

For many years, Ukraine has seen itself in NATO. This was announced on December 16 by the country's leader Vladimir Zelensky. At the same time, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg supported Kiev on the issue of arms purchases, but other member countries of the alliance do not have a unified position on the issue of military assistance to the state.

On June 1 last year, Ukraine created a structural unit for the integration of the state into the European Union and NATO. The primary task of the structure will be to coordinate cooperation with the Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic integration of the state and the Verkhovna Rada.

Earlier, the Minister of Defense of Latvia said that Riga would send weapons to Ukraine. During the negotiations, the parties agreed on the contents of the humanitarian cargo, which will be sent to Ukraine, including weapons and equipment.

In turn, Democratic Senator Jinn Sheikhin said that the United States should appoint an ambassador to Kiev as soon as possible in order to support Ukraine "at a critical moment."

In Ukraine, they told what they forgot about in Europe