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Muhammad, 29, uses a billboard to find 2,000 potential brides

In Great Britain, a young Muslim man who decided to find a life partner with a billboard made a splash among unmarried girls.

Muhammad Malik, 29, captured himself in a reclining position and rented billboards throughout Birmingham with photos and contacts. The billboard reads "Save me from arranged marriage."

As a Muslim of South Asian descent, Malik resigned himself to the prospect of marriage by agreement between parents and the family of a potential bride - such are the traditions in several Asian countries. However, before trusting the choice of his parents, the man decided to try his luck and look for a life partner on his own, reports with reference to The Daily Mail.

More than 2,000 women responded to contacts on billboards, and Malik does not even have time to consider all applications. His friends rushed to the rescue, weeding out candidates with a clear discrepancy between location and interests.

“In a week I will start meeting with them live,” the Briton announced his plans.

Muhammad, 29, uses a billboard to find 2,000 potential brides