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Security Council of Belarus: CSTO peacekeepers will return from Kazakhstan after the end of the operation

Immediately after the end of the counter-terrorist operation, the CSTO peacekeeping contingent will return from Kazakhstan to the points of permanent deployment, State Secretary of the Security Council of Belarus Alexander Volfovich confirmed on January 10.

Commenting on the results of the extraordinary session of the CSTO Collective Security Council, the general explained that the leaders of the countries considered this issue as well. "The contingent, in accordance with the mandate of the organization, was introduced for a short time - until completion and stabilization in the country," he said.

The situation in Kazakhstan, according to him, is gradually stabilizing, the conflict is drawing to a close. “The north and north-west have already been taken under the control of state bodies, as well as almost 90 percent of settlements, cities and regions. The heads of state confirmed that not a single peacekeeper would remain on the territory of Kazakhstan after that,” the State Secretary of the Security Council of Belarus emphasized.

But from the events in a friendly country one should draw appropriate conclusions and, in addition to the threat from the outside, clearly see the internal reasons as well, he said, discussing what lessons should be drawn from these tragic events. After all, the situation in the world, according to him, is more and more exposed to explosive situations. "All the institutions of the international security architecture have collapsed. A real hybrid war with sanctions overtones is going on," the secretary of state said.

Non-governmental, non-profit organizations are being created, through which funding goes, terrorists are trained in adjacent territories, in special camps. "They are trained there to kill, cut off heads, smash, lead the crowd. This is what happened in Kazakhstan: trained people, who are not visible in the country, poured across the borders, money was sent from the West through commercial and non-profit organizations, which more than 22 thousand in the country ", - said Volfovich.

Then, according to the stereotyped scenario, the so-called "leaders" who had previously fled from the country make themselves known from abroad. In the case of Kazakhstan, a certain minister appeared in France and called for the overthrow of the government. And "where are the French authorities looking? Such people should be arrested and prosecuted for incitement. Where is European democracy in this situation? Why is the French leadership silent and does not take action against the traitorous fugitives?" - the military leader put the questions bluntly.

That is why, he stated, such institutions as the CSTO, the components of the peacekeeping forces of the rapid reaction today have proved their relevance, having specified, in particular, that there is a high organization of the tasks performed by the Belarusian contingent.

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Security Council of Belarus: CSTO peacekeepers will return from Kazakhstan after the end of the operation